Panduan Penulis

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts

Jurnal Indonesia Sehat (JURINSE) is a journal that publishes articles or research results and critical analysis studies related to nursing, midwifery, pharmacy, and health promotion  problems. Jurnal Indonesia Sehat (JURINSE) is published by SAMODRA ILMU (Institute for Research, Publishing, and Scientific Journals) Yogyakarta.

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using the Jurnal Indonesia Sehat (JURINSE) online submission procedure. A paper submitted has never been published in any other scientific publication and not being under the reviewing process of any other scientific publication. The Editors will ignore submissions that do not follow these procedures. 

Structure of the manuscripts

  1. Title. The title should be clear, attractive, and informative, and containing no more than 15 words.
  2. Author's names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions and email addresses, without any academic title. For a joint paper, one of the authors should be notified as to the corresponding author.
  3. Abstract, keywords. The abstracts should contain Research Background, Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion, and Implication. The abstract should be less than 250 words. Please provide the abstract in English for international readership followed by 3 to 5 keywords relevant for literature search.
  4. Introduction. This section explains the background of the study, a review of the previous research in the area, and the aims of the manuscripts. Importantly it should also showcase the significance and novelty of the research.
  5. Methods. This section describes the appropriate tools of analysis along with the data collection and their analyses.
  6. Results and Discussion. This section explains the results of the analysis. These should be presented clearly and concisely. Author(s) should explore the novelty or the contribution of their findings by comparing them to the existing literature and theories to Islamic education.
  7. Conclusion. This section concludes and provides practical, theoretical, and policy implications, if any, of the study. The conclusion(s) should be drawn from the discussed items in the previous section of the manuscript (discussion).
  8. References. This section lists only the papers, books, or other types of publications referred to in the body of the manuscript. The references must be managed by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) style and used Reference Tools such as Mendeley or Zotero.

General Writing Format

  1. The manuscript is prepared in an A4 paper, single-sided, and single-line spacing format. A new paragraph should start with 5 characters from the left margin, using an 11-size, Times-new-Romans font type.
  2. The manuscript is written in proper English.
  3. The manuscript should be between 6 to 15 pages long (3000-7000 words).
  4. The top and bottom margins are 1,5 inches.
  5. The title is written using capital letters only at first word or special name (example: location name), 14 font size, center position.
  6. Subtitles are written using capital letters only at first word or special name, 11 font size, starting from the left margin.
  7. Sub of subtitles, if any, are written using capital letters only at first word or special name. They should be started from the left margin.
  8. Sub of subtitles, if any, are written using capital letters only at the beginning of each word except for connecting words, all in italics. They should be started from the left margin.
  9. References should be those of the last ten years' publication (>80%), except for key references (80%). Referring to any textbook should be minimized (<20%).

Specific Writing Format

  1. Equations and formula should be numbered as (1), (2)...etc appearing to their right.
  2. Estimation results from a software package are not allowed to be directly presented in the paper. They should be presented in summary tables.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be presented as follows:

  1. The name of tables and figures should follow a numbering system (Arabic numbering system). The title of the tables is placed at the top and figures are placed at the bottom.
  2. The tables and figures should provide the source of information, if any, at the bottom. 
  3. Any table should contain only heading and contents. The table contains row lines only without column lines. Note(s) and source(s) should be included underneath the table where appropriate. 


Acknowledgment, if any, should be addressed to the person who is not included as author or institution which gives:

  • Direct technical help (e.g. supply of animal subjects, cells, equipment setup, methods, statistics/data manipulation, samples, chemicals/reagents, analytical/spectroscopy techniques)
  • Indirect assistance (topical and intellectual discussions about the research which can lead to the generation of new ideas)
  • Affiliated Institutions
  • Funding bodies
  • Any associated fellowships


The manuscript is expected to involve a minimum of 15 primary and up-to-date references to assert high-quality contributions to knowledge development. The reference should use number system (Vancouver style) I, recommended to use the application of Mendeley, is strongly recommended for completing manuscript submissions.

Manuscript Template

Manuscripts must be written in English according to a template provided in:

How to send the manuscript

  1. The manuscript in Microsoft word should be sent to the editor by clicking the Online Submission tab on our Website.
  2. A brief bio that contains full name, academic title, institution, telephone, mobile number, and others should be written in the fields of data when registering online in the website submission.

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 300.000,00 (IDR)

If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.